10 Lines on Mahavir Jayanti for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Mahavir Jayanti: The Mahavir Janma Kalyanak is the most prominent and special occasion in the Jainism religion. To celebrate the Mahavir Jayanti festival, people follow the Gregorian calendar, and usually, according to the Gregorian festival, the holiday lies in the month of March or April every year. Mahavir Jayanti is observed to celebrate the birthday of Mahavir. The most special thing about Mahavir’s birth was that he was born in the darkness that is in the presence of the half-bright moon.

The Mahavir was different from other people who had a mission to have a life filled with peace. He is also known as the founder of Jainism. The celebration of the day takes place at different places that are in Parasnath temple, Kolkata; Sri Mahavirji temple, Rajasthan; Girnar and Palitana, Gujarat and Pawapuri, Bihar. The day is usually celebrated in a month which is termed as the Chaitra month.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on Mahavir Jayanti for kids

Set 1 is helpful for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th class students.

  1. The auspicious day of Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated on the occasion of Mahavir’s birthday.
  2. Mahavir Jain had a mission to establish, and the mission was to create a life full of happiness and prosperity.
  3. Mahavir Jayanti is also observed as Mahavir Janma Kalyan.
  4. It is considered the most important festival for the Jainism religion.
  5. The day is celebrated according to the Gregorian calendar, which is followed by the Jain community.
  6. Mahavir Jain was the one who found the Jainism religion and culture.
  7. He was also the last Tirthankara.
  8. He was born at a very auspicious timing that is 4 a.m.
  9. It has also been observed that the mother of Mahavir Jain saw 16 dreams before he was born.
  10. When Mahavir Jain was born, the environment was very positive and peaceful in the Jainism community.

10 Lines of Mahavir Jayanti

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Mahavir Jayanti for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for 6th, 7th, and 8th class students.

  1. When it comes to the significance of the celebration of Mahavir Jayanti, it has been observed that it is celebrated to honour the Mahavir Jain presence.
  2. When Mahavir Jain was born, god and goddesses pay tribute and respect to Tirthankara as Mahavir Jain was the last Tirthankara born.
  3. Mahavir Jain was considered to be a very good human being whose motive was to create a life filled with peace.
  4. After the 30 years of his birth, he left the world filled with materialism and focused on meditation.
  5. He did the meditation for 12 years under the tree of Ashoka to attain enlightenment.
  6. His motive was to eliminate the false beliefs of people, including superstitious beliefs.
  7. He also gave his lesson to people on eliminating false beliefs.
  8. To continue that, he travelled all across India.
  9. He also addressed violence and killing as wrong.
  10. Mahavir Jain also believed that an individual could change his/her life by filling it with meditation.

Set 3 – 10 lines on Mahavir Jayanti for Higher Class Students

Set 3 helps the students study in classes 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, or preparing for competitive exams.

  1. Trishala gave birth to a son, and he was named Mahavir Jain.
  2. He was born on the thirteenth day of the Chaitra month. The day was considered the most auspicious day by the Jainism community.
  3. Mahavir is considered to be the 24th Tirthankara in the Jainism religion.
  4. On this special day, the Jain community honours the Mahavir Jain by doing charities in the community to get liberation in society.
  5. People celebrate the festival by preparing traditional dishes to serve the poor.
  6. It has also been believed that the mother of Mahavir Jain, Trishala saw 16 dreams before he was born.
  7. Every dream of hers had significance.
  8. The 16 dreams involved a white elephant which symbolizes the mother who will give birth to a child with positive moral values, a lion which meant leadership, a goddess Lakshmi which signified wealth and prosperity, the sun with supreme knowledge, etc.
  9. A lot of rituals have also been followed by the Jain community every year.
  10. The ritual involves the decoration of homes with garlands, chanting the Mahavir prayer, giving clothes, food, and money to the poor.

10 Lines about Mahavir Jayanti

Frequently Asked Questions on Mahavir Jayanti

Question 1.
When is the Mahavir Jayanti celebrated?

Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated by following the Gregorian festival. Usually, the holiday lies in the month of March or April every year.

Question 2.
When was the Mahavir Jain born?

Mahavir Jain was born at 4 a.m. during the half-moon in the Chaitra month in the year 599 BCE.

Question 3.
Why is Mahavir Jayanti celebrated?

Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated to honour the birth of Mahavir Jain, whose motive was to create a life filled with peace, positivity, and prosperity.

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